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Croatian Hill winery in Zagorje
Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat - from 12 noon to 17 h

I live in countryside  between capital  Zagreb and barouqe town Varazdin well known by its festival called Spancirfest. Surounded  by wineyards and hills, a lot calmer and layd back lifestyle then Zagreb.

I can pick you up from Zagreb and take you for a day out to another two counties, Krapinsko –zagorska (zagorje) and Varaždin county.

First expirience  will take 50 km from Zagreb ,  in untouched nature on the top of the hill  vinery with amazing views. You will get to see local villages on the way and feel the real life There.

(During thousands of years, this was a vine growing land, where exuberant wines were tasted and poured.
There are legends and stories, with origins in the age of the Roman Empire and the ancient 2nd century Roman culture, mentioning the vineyards of that period and Roman military station on the top of this hill. The Roman period was followed by a succession of medieval feudal owners, each of them leaving a trace in vine growing and wine production.)

We will have tour around the cellar with a professional presentation and tasting  wines, categorized in three basic product lines. Followed by a lunch in their restaurant with Autochthonous cuisine with a modern twist “In symbiosis with nature, they offer solely dishes with ingredients procured from the surrounding family households and smaller producers within a radius of 20 kilometres.”  

 4-6 hours

 Price includes:

  • picking up and dropping of

  • Exlusive Lunch with dessert

  • Wine tasting and presentation just for you

  • My Companionship, help meeting locals  and translation

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